Thursday, April 10, 2008

It's All In Your Mind: Brain Health

Have you ever misplaced your car keys? Jot down notes to yourself, to do this or that? We all have. As we age structural and functional changes occur in the brain. The decrease in brain mass, white matter and chemical messengers, however, is not necessarily related to cognitive decline and contrary to what was once thought, we do not lose neurons but continue to form them as we age.
The new trends in neuroscience are to look for other causes for the deterioration of brain function. Among these is to research the role of whole body inflammation in brain health. As it turns out, the latest news reveals that the health of your brain and heart are closely related. Just as you would maintain a healthy lifestyle and nutritional habits to ward off heart disease and stoke, it appears that brain health is benefited as well.

Brain Boosting Prescription

■ Eat a Brain and Body Healthy Diet
Eating an anti-inflammatory diet that focuses on good fats (Omega-3), good carbs,
antioxidants and calorie monitoring can keep the brain and the body healthy.

The brain is comprised of approximately 60 percent fatty acids. Essential Fatty Acids (EFA), like the Omega-3’s found in cold-water fish, flaxseed and nuts improve communication between the brain cells and are also vital in controlling chronic inflammatory processes that affect such conditions as heart disease, arthritis and cognitive deterioration. Fish eaten at least twice weekly, or Omega-3’s taken as a daily supplement can improve levels.
Good carbohydrates, like those found in fruits and vegetables are valued for their brain-preserving antioxidants. Included are dark leafy green vegetables like spinach and berry varieties like blueberries or goji berries. Other antioxidants that help prevent cognitive decline are black or green tea and dark chocolate.

■ Exercise Your Brain
The brain is a muscle like any other. It requires exercise to stay fit. Reading, doing puzzles like sudoku, or playing musical instruments can significantly protect the brain from cognitive decline.

■ Supplement Your Brain
There are a variety of supplements that show promise in the realm of brain health. Among them are Ginkgo Biloba and Curcumin. Ginkgo can improve blood circulation to the brain and slow the progression of cognitive decline and Curcumin is high in both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties benefiting the brain.